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Monetize traffic and increase revenue through analytics

Google Analytics allows a business site owner irrespective of the domain to analyze web traffic flow through a reliable metric. Here I am pointing to top exit pages that analytics focuses on. The exit pages along with other important elements such as bounce rate and time spent on a site by users is quite valuable.

The metrics together provide insight and help a site owner measure the effect of specific modifications that are made to webpages over time. You can also find out whether or not exit rate has improved to an extent. If it has actually come down after having effected the changes, you need to reconsider your strategy. You can opt to optimize webpages that carry high exit rates in order to hold your site visitors’ attention for a longer period of time or to encourage them to ‘convert’. If the webpage in question emerges as a logical exit point, you may look monetize this outgoing web traffic on similar such high exit site pages.
Some ideas to monetize exit pages

Google AdSense, as you might well be aware, is fully and logistically integrated with Google Analytics, and similarly to both AdWords and Analytics. It is thus well possible to optimize your AdSense campaigns by making usage of relevant Google Analytics data. Just take a look at this illustrative real-life instance, in case you decide to monetize an exit page.

Let me give example of an online platform that provides users with templates as well as documents for both individual users and large scale businesses across a wide array of offerings like business forms, bookmarks and certificates – almost all types of document, which one wants to print.

With many similar websites targeting different niche areas individually in printing, this online printing platform was searching for a solution to optimize their ad placement without inviting any negative impact on the existing set of users.  A practical solution that they opted for was ‘locating the pages carrying the highest exit rates and infusing them with AdSense.

In fact, the site has been resorting to Analytics for quite a few years and thus had adequate idea of the peaks for bounce/ exit rates. After inserting AdSense ads on particular pages of the site, it was realized that this advertising had little or no adverse impact on its core users and also on the conversion rates. Instead, they emerged as the reliable way of monetizing traffic from users, seemingly ‘already on the verge leaving’.

Enhance revenue sans tweaking up existing business model

The above strategy underlines how business sites can employ AdSense tool for monetizing traffic on the of exit route. AdSense is of immense help to websites to increase revenue flow without touching the existing business model.  AdSense lets them increase business margins after targeting specific exit pages.