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Correct testing and other aspects integral to successful conversion rate optimization

Undertaking search engine optimization (SEO) or opting for a sustained pay per click campaign are among the few preferred options to draw sustained traffic flow. This is important to enhance the online visibility of your website. The key is to draw search engine users to your site and to keep them engaged to the webpage. You want them to stick to your site.

In fact, the main objective of every E-Commerce site is to focus on the service parameters or product features. The idea is to boost sales increase the profit margins. In other words, mere traffic flow is not going to boost your ROI. Experts will help you increase revenue by improving your conversion rate. Here are some of the crucial aspects to consider:

  • Conducting correct testing is very important when you are keen to improve your website’s conversion rate. Testing will allow you to evaluate more than one critical site element simultaneously in order to decide which combinations result in higher conversions.
  • Take into account individual elements of the site, such as images, headlines, length of the form, page layout and call to action, in keeping with your requirements. This will help you to realize which webpage is currently giving poor results and which one is performing better. You then can make the requisite changes and highlight elements that will lead to increased conversion.
  • Try out different combinations of text, images, headlines, tags, pricing and offers during testing. This will let you identify the correct mix of user friendly elements that consistently lead to high conversion rates. As a saying goes, ‘You cannot improve one thing by 1000%, but you sure can improve 1000 little things by 1%.” This perfectly applies here. If a web page is suffering from low traffic, you can conduct A/B testing. Conversely, if it does have a higher traffic flow, go for a multi-variant testing.
  • It isn’t just about split-testing the color of your buttons (of course, unless you want to). You often will come across recommendations on the color of your headlines and buttons, such as ‘making them red will improve your conversion by 30%’, or assumptions like ‘visitors aren’t converting probably because the headline is black rather than green.’ These may be more superficial observations with little or no substance. Be wary of such kind of simplistic assumptions because they will invariably lead to a failed conversion rate optimization strategy.
  • In essence, you need to start by earnestly finding out why your visitors aren’t currently converting – whether there are some usability issues or specific objections. Don’t simply indulge in guesswork. Conversion strategies are highly personal.

And this is where expert’s advice comes into play. They thoroughly study a business website – its domain, competitors and target audience – to come up with a customized strategy. Remember, what works for some other site may not be suitable for your site.