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Simple, albeit effective ideas to make your site more SEO friendly

It matters a great deal as how you optimize your business site so that the SERS (Search Engine Result Spiders) of Google and other top engines are easily able to locate, rank and then display it in the relevant result pages when a user happens to search for them. Inputs from an experienced and expert SEO are vital to incorporate the basic elements into each webpage to make it appear unique and reader friendly so that it becomes more visible on search engines.

Optimum usage of correct keywords

First and foremost, make it a point to use your key terms and phrases in your site’s title, URL as well as description. Inserting them into these site elements is a basic, albeit critical aspect of On-Page SEO. This makes it easier for the engine spiders to find out what your webpage is about.

Put keyword/s in anchor text to boost your SERP. Outgoing links can also boost your SERP. Another important factor is keyword density. Maintain it between 1-3% (of text matter). In other words, do not exceed the number of keywords beyond a limit (1 to 3 per 100 words) in a copy. Higher keyword density may amount to spamming and your site may get penalized from Google.

Essentially create a copy with your readers in mind, and not necessarily the search engines! Optimum usage of keywords relevant to your business or industry domain will make your SEO efforts more focused.

To make your SEO exercise successful, you need not make drastic changes. There are little things that can be tweaked to help your site get ranked higher. For example, you may opt for improving your site’s URL structure. Below are some of the URL elements that are absolutely critical to enhance your site’s search engine rank or position:

  1. Does the extended URL contain relevant search term? Also, its structure is important; some dynamic sites employ symbols (&, %, and ?) that make indexing the URL a bit difficult on Google.
  2. The problem experienced with a dynamic URL structure (For instance, www.siteexample.com/page.php?cat=431&prod=44678) is that you may end up with its several variations getting indexed, causing a potentially troublesome duplicate content problem. It also may split your link value.
  3. It is not a bad idea to make your URLs a static one. It will have one for each product or relevant page to make things a lot simpler. It also avoids splitting your link value between needless multiple URLs.
  4. Of course, just changing to static structure from a dynamic one isn’t pertinent to change the whole URL structure, though. Ideally, opt for more descriptive and SEO friendly URLs. There are many websites that contain URLs not clearly explaining what the webpage is about. Even static URLs fail to do.
  5. An unfathomable URL makes the task of understanding your page difficult. It is worthwhile changing it to make it more meaningful to your audience and SEO friendly. Last but not the least, include an appropriate key term or phrase in it.