eBrandz Blog

Ideas for effective video content optimization

Utilizing video content will definitely help you boost search engine ranking of your website and also fetch more meaningful, sustained traffic. However, this exercise must be taken up after proper analysis and study under expert guidance in order to effectively perform it.

First and foremost, prepare a video sitemap. It is vital to include video content in the sitemap in order to identify as well as tag it. A sitemap informs the search engines about specific webpages on your site so that the probability of their being indexed is higher (in case of Google, these are largely managed through its ‘Webmaster Tools’.)

In case you’re hosting the video on your site, make sure the search engines gets to index them as well as other allied information. For this, a proper video sitemap is critical. It generally will comprise the video file itself, a thumbnail, title, description etc. Sans a comprehensive video sitemap, the search engines won’t be in a position to include the videos on your website directly in the relevant search results.

Another crucial SEO tip is to keep your videos as far as possible short. Your video’s length or its time span is a very significant factor. Do not expect users to check a lengthy video – however attention grabbing it might be. Ideally, break up the content into a number of smaller clips. This will hold the people’s attention, and also multiply the number of videos available for the purpose of optimization and tagging.

It goes without saying that more the number of videos, greater the traffic to your site, and higher the search engine rankings. Another vital SEO tip is to properly optimize the video URLs. Next important aspect is to create a buzz. Once you have built a collection of quality videos, they must be circulated and shared with the target audience.

If you create great some exciting, but nobody knows about them, that’s not going to help, at all. Make it a point to talk about it and spread around the word. Tag it, submit it, upload it, and try to get the word out by posting a link to it on your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Prompt users to comment about it. Facilitate easy sharing on these popular social networking channels as well as blogs.

Let your employees, colleagues, friends and general public talk about it! Why not run an advertising campaign on the Web. Remember, excellent online video content coupled with ethical SEO strategy will bring sustained traffic to your site, generate leads, enhance the chances of conversions, increase sales and bring higher profits. Do post your feedback and personal experiences regarding SEO of video content. Your inputs sure will help other readers.