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Website Design: 7 Important Visual Elements

Graphic designers utilize a variety of design elements to create images that can express a specific mood, attract attention in a particular direction, or elicit a variety of emotions. These design elements are the foundations of all visual design.

1. Color –

Color contributes to the tone of your work. Designers utilize color to convey mood, light, dimension, and point of view.

2. Line –

Lines are an essential part of online design, from symbols to graphics, charts, etc. In design, thin, bold, dashed, black, or colored lines can be used.

3. Value –

The value in design relates to the brightness or darkness of a color. A gradient is a visual representation of a color’s values, which shows a sequence of variations on one hue, organized from lightest to darkest.

4. Form –

The way a shape or physical structure fills space is referred to as form. As it becomes increasingly common to create, 3D design has recently exploded in popularity.

5. Space –

Making effective use of space might assist people in seeing your design in the way you intended. Because a cluttered layout might overwhelm the viewer’s eye, your design space is crucial.

6. Texture –

Texture may give your design more depth. Texture, rather than utilizing solely solid colors, may be used to add depth and character to a design.

7. Shape –

A shape is a two-dimensional region bordered by an outline in its most basic form. Graphic artists can use other aspects such as line, color, value, and shadow to give a shape the illusion of three-dimensionality.

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