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Tips for a perfectly optimized page

There are certain SEO practices to follow for a site to benefit from the perfectly optimized pages. I shall be offering some handy tips to attain on-page, keyword targeting to near perfection. To begin with, let us understand the various important aspects related to HTML head tags for building a perfectly optimized page.

Title tags and meta description tags have their own importance for ensuring effective search engine optimization.

: It’s probably most vital on-page keyword element. Preferably, the page title should employ the keyword or phrase as the introductory terms. This has been proven to have the highest correlation with improved rankings. Subsequent positions correlate to lower rankings.

Some recommended practices for writing title tags:

1. Select a title tag that correctly describes the webpage content. 

2. Use the name of your brand or website at the end of title tag. This will generate brand awareness. 

3. Don’t stuff your title tag with unneeded keywords. 

4. Make use of relevant keyword phrases.

5. Use short, albeit descriptive titles. Search engines display only a limited number of characters of the title. 

6. Use the vital keywords right at the title’s beginning.

7. Make use of a separator like “-“ or “|” between keywords

8. Employing a title tag as H1 header is a good idea.

9. Select a title tag keeping in mind the searchers’ preferences and not search engines as a priority.

10. Select a unique title tag for each webpage to assist search engines know how each (page) is distinct. 

Meta description: Though not considered by the major engines for ‘rankings’, the meta description is still an important element. Its usage helps enhance click-through rate, increasing the traffic flow.

The meta description tag provides engines a summary of the page. The description is utilized as a snippet for your page. The most relevant and effective keywords should form part of the description. A title tag may consist of a few words or an important phrase, whereas a meta description tag may be a slightly longish paragraph.

Some of the recommended practices for effective usage of meta description tags are as follows:

1. Precisely summarize the content of a page.

2. Add a description to draw users’ attention so that they are prompted to visit your site if they notice the description meta tag in SERPs.

3. Do not use more than 150-160 character in constructing a meta description tag.

4. Avoid repeating keywords/terms in the description.

5. Do not write irrelevant description meta tag.

6. Meta tags should refer the content on the particular page.

7. Avoid using generic descriptions such as ‘This is an informative webpage.’

8. Try using unique descriptions for your site pages so that they stand out in search engine results.

Effective usage of titled tag and description meta tag can greatly enhance your website traffic and its visibility on the top search engines.