eBrandz Blog

$100 Free Twitter Advertising Credits for American Express Business Card Members

Twitter, on monday , announced a unique advertising programe for American Express small business Card members and merchants. Two products that Twitter has to offer are Promoted Accounts and Promoted Tweets , wherein the first aims at helping businesses connect with new people and the latter will promote your messages in front of more people (the right people).

To simplify this process, Twitter automatically identifies and promotes the advertisers’ most engaging tweets. “No advertising experience will be required and it will also manage your advertising” the blog said.

Pay-per-follower for Promoted Accounts, and pay-per-engagement for Promoted Tweets are the structures for the advertising campaign. The former will post your tweets in their timeline , but will only get charged if you are followed. Whereas, placing your account into the ‘who to follow’ box of users, will be done by the Promoted Accounts feature who Twitter feels are likely to be a good match for you (likely to follow).


This is a good opportunity for small business to grow. The program is currently open only to American Express card holders or merchants. $100 in free Twitter advertising will be given to the first 10,000 eligible Card members and merchants that register . “Initially the test group will be small at first, but will gain popularity in coming weeks” said Twitter.

Twitter announced that it would begin showing these ads in its official mobile apps, in addition to its desktop services, but only those who followed the advertiser’s feed could see it. However, last week the scheme was expanded so marketers could target “mobile users that share similar interests with their existing followers.”