eBrandz Blog

Instagram Facebooked !

Yes , its true ! The guys at Instagram sold their mobile photo sharing app to Facebook for a stagerring $1 Billion. Instagram has come a long way. It first moved its app to iPhone, then to the gates of Android and now this astonishing move.

Instagram is that application that allowed you to take pictures with your phone and then apply visual filters that would make the image look discoloured, weathered, yellowed and washed out, somewhat making it look funky .

Even though Facebook has bought Instagram, the creators of facebook has made it amplly clear that Facebook and Instagram will remain separate identities. Rather than integrating all the features of Instagram into Facebook, building on Instagram’s strengths and features will the the main focus.

With this cross pollination of ideas, Facebook hopes to improve the way world communicates and shares and create a vibrant experience for billions of Facebook and Instagram users.

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