eBrandz Blog

So what’s the latest buzz in town? … the new search engine tells you all

Google Buzz acts as a source of real-time dynamic data. With Buzzzy, a search engine especially for Google Buzz, one need not be a gmail user to know what’s indeed buzzin’ out there!

The Buzzzy Search API lets you integrate specific search results from Buzzzy into one’s own app or site. The API can be accessed, with JSON & XML data formats supported, via a REST interface.

Buzzzy + Location, an enterprising search engine service, maps out a particular individual’s geo-location details to locations or events so as to help follow the exact context of their specific activity streams. Instead of depending on explicit ‘Check-Ins’, it considers implicit ‘Check-ins’ by looking at where the users actually are when they publish to the web and not merely where they state or claim they are.

Check-In and Hashtag spam can well be reduced for event promoters since it’s possible to only view status updates from those who are physically present at an event. Important features of Buzzzy + Location are as follows:

  • The product aggregates information from different location services like Twitter, Gowalla, Google Buzz and Foursquare. Thus it is able to offer the most comprehensive view of who is attending a specific event or is present at a given location.
  • By associating an individual with a location or event, it is possible to see where attendees happen to be when they are not at the event. This piece of information can indeed be valuable to secure sponsors since they will be able to know what bars, hotels and restaurants attendees are using.
  • In other words, it is now possible to track location by way of the information dispatched during an event once users update their respective statuses on popular social sites. This makes it possible to streamline the quantum of data from a specific location. This ultimately lets correctly contextualize data from other streams and then map user behavior.