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How to ensure that you make the most of your ads even with a limited budget?

Consider employing the AdWords tool to push your ad and promote your business website. Relevant domain-specific search result pages usually determine the rank based on implicit Quality Score of selected keyword/s apart from cost-per-click (CPC) bid consideration. Following are a few basic things to be kept in mind for creating good ads that will get a better position on desired search pages relevant to your niche area of operation.

  1. The copy should clearly highlight what sets your products or services apart from those of the competitors.
  2. The more detailed and updated information that users can get about your product or services from your ad, the more encouraged they will feel to interact.
  3. A sustainable call-to-action will encourage interested users to click on your copy. It ensures that they understand exactly beforehand as what you wish or expect them to do after reaching your landing page.
  4. Certain call to action phrases are Purchase, Buy, Call today, Browse, Order, Get a quote, and Sign up; while ‘search’ and ‘find’ may well be accurate verbs, they may not prompt the user to perform the action you would prefer them to take.
  5. Last but not the least, it is important to test a multiple set of ads in each of the ad groups.  Try and experiment with a host of offers and different call-to-action phrases to check what’s probably most effective in terms of your advertising goals.
  6. Incorporate one of your key terms in the ad text. Research about the best performing term in an ad group and add it to your copy, especially in the title. So when a user will type that particular word and notice your ad, the specific keyword phrase will be displayed within your ad in bold font. This sure will draw the potential customers’ attention, indicating to them that your matches their respective search.
  7. Another important aspect is to select the best destination URL. Make it a point to review the site that you are advertising and locate the specific page with the detailed information or product/service mentioned in your ad.
  8. Remember, If users fail to find the things promised once they visit your website, they are not going to stay around longer. Your landing page should highlight any promotions and products/services featured in your ad.
  9. You should not expect that your ad will be showed every time during a relevant search. Your ad views tend to get spread over the course of the day’s search activity, so it won’t appear every time.
  10. After reaching your daily budget limit, an ad will stop showing. This will save you additional expenses. You may consider increasing budget if you wish the ad to be shown more often during the searches.

By putting into practice, the above ideas, you can make sure that you make the most of your ads even with budget constraints.