eBrandz Blog

What are the basic tenets of blog commenting?

Conscious efforts are needed on your part to steer users to your blog so that your readers get used to it. They will feed your with some great content ideas that you can then build on to make your exercise truly interactive. You can use the exercise of blog commenting to showcase your domain expertise.

As we have checked in the previous post, blog comments will certainly get your site consistent contribution from readers. This is an assured way of building a mutually beneficial relationship with bloggers. There are some of the obvious and apparent benefits of blog commenting like added direct traffic, improved search rankings, and second-order marketing impact that you must take into account, while implementing the strategy.

Given these incentives, it is necessary to think about the practice of blog commenting and participation a bit more strategically. On the one hand, the right contribution can help your site, the improper methods could well adversely affect it.

There are some basic tenets of commenting that need to be taken into account for your site to benefit from blog commenting. Encourage genuine and serious comments.  Remember, the trust and goodwill generated from an authentic identity and name that match the profile of the website they link to and spread across mediums (social channels like Twitter and Facebook) is valuable. It can well mean the difference between being viewed as a black hat spammer versus being considered as a respected new member. Wherever possible, let people use their real identity, name and photo…

During blog commenting, it is always preferable that the person is honest about who he or she is and the reason why the person is there. When you are using blog commenting to propagate your own identity as a marketer, an SEO, a community manager, etc, there is absolutely no harm in conceding that. It goes without saying that honesty is invariably the best policy.

Being open about your background and motivations will build trust factor and increase acceptance level more often than not. Having said that, in certain communities if your title is officially ‘SEO specialist’ or ‘SEO link builder you might want to modify it to ‘content marketer’. ‘blogger’,  or ‘‘organic marketing specialist’ if the title fits.

Ensure that your profile link points to an appropriate resource.  You may end up nullifying all the goodwill by linking to an apparently spammy/manipulative place. If your site is completely out of sync with the community to which you are contributing, point to your bio page on the site at the least.

Don’t disable or needlessly censor negative blog comments. Take cognizance of constructive criticism. This is one of the best possible ways of winning customers’ trust. Use negative feedback as an opportunity to put forward your side of the story. Make it a point to respond graciously.