eBrandz Blog

Basics of protecting your brand and business image on the Web

The Internet overwhelms users with a deluge of information that they constantly sift through, to arrive at a resource – either to seek information or to buy a product/service – of their choice. If your business site appears high in the domain specific search results, they are going to notice it more prominently. This can have a positive impact on your company’s business margins. However, the same can be counterproductive especially if you opt to ignore negative feedback about your brand.

Why ignoring negative publicity is ill-advisable?

This is where a regular monitoring and managing your online reputation comes into play so that a favorable image of your business is built. You have to have a solid strategy into place to make this happen. Unfortunately, negative remarks have a knack of snowballing or rapidly ‘going viral’ without you knowing it. And by the time you become aware of it, it’s perhaps too late because the damage has already perhaps been done on the Internet.

So in certain cases, a bad hit to your online reputation can prove to be a big deal if you are not able to handle it well. In effect, continuing to ignore the opinions the users tend to form based how your brand appears in relevant search results and on review/ rating sites is ill-advisable for a small business.  In such situations, having a back-up plan ready with help of a professional company will allow you to protect your reputation or brand image.

Crucial aspects related to online reputation management

If your fragile online reputation is turning too tricky to deal with, for whatever reason, seeking professional advice is very critical. This should do away with most of the hassle and stress associated with the task.

Expert’s advice helps: Hire a team of professionals who are dedicated to the job of online reputation management. They will take a series of steps to repair your damaged brand reputation and reestablish the credibility of your business. Ideally, your marketing team should also be involved in the process. An expert intervention can really be helpful in the entire process.

Start with basic things: Handling online reputation management needs to start with basic social networking as well as your business site upkeep, along with actively reaching out to the people who matter.

Be Patient: Remember, no expert or professional has the magic wand to automatically undo the damage. Building your reputation on the Web is a process that demands a sustained investment of energy, efforts, time and patience.

If you take the requisite steps, in keeping with their advice, to gauge the overall tone of customers – both potential and existing – regarding your brand – you will get a fair idea about the image it carries online. Accordingly, you can take steps to rectify or enhance it.