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Google Analytics enables result oriented marketing initiatives

Campaign tracking broadly denotes a method to identify how users find your website. Specifically, you make use of campaign tracking section in Google Analytics for accurately tracking advertising campaigns to your site from AdWords-generated campaigns and other sources.

Google Analytics collects Google AdWords data automatically if you’ve linked your Adwords account to the Analytics account. In case you’ve non-AdWords keyword links using other ad sources, or if you’re looking to track user clicks to your website from e-mail campaigns or similar such sources, you may build custom campaigns with the URL Builder Tool.

Customizing your keywords report

Google Analytics can identify a host of sites as specific search engine referrals in your customized reports. When visitors reach the website by typing in a particular search phrase or terms into a search engine, they get listed as keywords in the relevant report. In certain instances you might want to do away with some phrases or terms from the Keywords report and instead treat them as direct traffic.

For example, you can enter the domain name example.com as search phrase, and it gets listed in the report as a keyword. You can make use of the ‘addIgnoredOrganic’ method for treating it as direct traffic. By using the ‘clearIgnoredOrganic’ method, you can revert back to the default behavior, to treat all search terms as keywords.

In essence, enterprise-class features get delivered on Google’s customer-friendly platform. Of course, ‘Enterprise-class’ should not mean ‘experts alone’. In fact, Google Analytics service has made it convenient even for non-specialists across all organizations, to implement marketing initiatives that are performance focused and result oriented. Let us check the various practical gains that it brings to your business.

Advertising ROI

Goals: The primary one is to track both sales and conversions, which remain vital to your business. It allows you to measure your site engagement goals set against: threshold levels you define for yourself.

Integrated with AdWords as well as AdSense: It is possible to optimize your relevant AdWords performance with the post-click data on your key phrases and words, relevant search queries, match type etc. AdSense reports indicate publishers the site content that fetches the highest revenue.

Complete your campaign tracking capabilities: You can easily track your email campaigns, offline ads, banner ads etc.

E-commerce reporting: It is well possible to trace transactions to your campaigns and keywords, to seek loyalty and also latency metrics, as well as to identify the best possible revenue sources.

Cross Channel and Multimedia Tracking

Mobile Tracking: It is convenient to trace mobile sites, mobile apps and also web-enabled devices, comprising high end as well as non-java script enabled mobile phones.

Internal Site Search: The objective is to follow visitor intent, know what your prospective customers are looking for and accordingly take steps to speed up time to actual conversion.

Benchmarking: The aim is to work out whether your website usage metrics outperform or underperform those of your prevailing industry benchmarks. Opt-in benchmarking makes it possible to compare key metrics of yours against the aggregate performance metrics even while maintaining the confidentiality of your vital data.

Flash, video and social network application tracking: You can very easily trace usage of Ajax, Flash, Web 2.0 and social networking applications.