eBrandz Blog

Importance of conversion optimization for a site’s success

Conversion rate optimization, to put it simply, is grasping why most site visitors aren’t converting, then finding solutions and fixing the problem to set your business on the path of profitability. CRO matters if you want to make more money and boost business margins.

Here are some of the most commonly found flaws on websites, such as bad structure, incomplete site with credible elements missing from it, non-optimized  copy etc. I shall now elaborate on these key points.

  1. A common mistake often observed is that the site structure is not properly organized or the message is not maintained consistent enough across all important pages. To put it other way around, the site is not impressive or engaging enough from visitors’ perspective
  2. There are some innocuous elements often missing like contact details or contact form itself missing that matter a great deal from the point of view of conversion. A contact number/email or the lead form is the most common element that lets visitors get in touch with site owner. It’s either missing or incorrectly displayed in the inner pages.
  3. An unnecessary lengthy and complex form comprising unnecessary fields can make visitors abandon the site as they are asked to provide excessive or trivial details that ultimately cause low conversion rate.
  4. Copies on many sites are not properly optimized. Either they brag about their achievements or there is a bombastic jargon on the service or product, which cannot be followed by visitors or is of little interest to them. What the visitors understandably want to know how the offerings can bring value to them.
  5. In many cases, the copy often doesn’t carry a headline and if it has one, the same fails to motivate visitors to read the text on that page. This obviously will lead to high bounce rate.
  6. Several sites forget to highlight testimonials, certifications, positive media comments, security logos and other crucial elements that often prompt visitors to purchase products or services from a site.
  7. A buying cycle, which is not properly optimized, can also hamper purchases. In some cases, it is either too stretched or is tough to initiate. Many online visitors fail to buy a product, as the cart doesn’t simply accept credit card. The site simply will flash a message that the card cannot be processed without offering any valid reason. As a result, the visitor gets disappointed and leaves the site. The business will thus lose out on a lucrative sales opportunity.

The above elaboration should help you understand why businesses irrespective of their scale and domain should opt for a competent conversion service. In its absence, many of your prospective customers will visit only the homepage itself and desert the site without buying your product or using your service.