eBrandz Blog

Six ideas to improve the conversion of your website

Let us try to follow what conversion exactly means. As a majority of you might well be aware, it’s basically a process of achieving the primary goal of a specific page or site like selling products, filling up a lead form, or even making visitors read blogs. The objectives can be met successfully by enhancing the conversion rate. However, this is easier said than done.

Now let us discuss some core ideas to meet your objective.

  1. Basic motive or the end objective: First and foremost, determine the end objective or basic motive of the page you are working on. It may, for example, be to sell a specific product or a service. You perhaps may be asking the visitor to fill a registration form or there may be something like offering free trial software. In either of these peculiar scenarios, it is essential to work out the most effective and the simplest of ways to fulfill the end objective. This is certainly among the most vital aspects to be watched while optimizing a site.
  2. Review the website analytics: This involves finding out things like the current conversion success or failure rate, so to say, and the bounce rate of a particular page. Try and find out as which element of the site visitors are clicking the most, and how many of them are abandoning your site midway during the registration or buying process. All these metrics are helpful in analyzing their behavior patterns while they are navigating through the site.
  3. Keep your site clutter-free and simple: As far as possible, try and remove undesirable elements, presence of which is perhaps prompting the visitors to leave the website during navigation. Things like flashy banners pointing to some other irrelevant site, complicated copy, jargon filled language, too technical terms and unclear call to action may not go down well with visitors.
  4. Conduct a competitive analysis: It is important to review landing pages of your competitors’ websites as well. This will allow you to know their strong and weak points and accordingly work out a conversion optimization plan to counter your competitors.
  5. Build business value proposition: It is equally vital to identify as well as successfully communicate a highly effective and believable business value proposition. Tell your visitors as why it makes sense for them to buy from your site, instead of that of your competitors. Even the secondary elements should ably support the unique value proposition (UVP). This will ensure that the visitors remain engaged once they come to the website and end up buying your products.
  6. Attract visitors with good offers: To attract users to your website and to keep them engaged to the product page, communicate some exciting offers, discounts and incentives etc. to them in a more effective way.